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. Networking - NAS Storage » Cable & Tools

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product arrow BAFO PCI-E Serial DB9 RS-232 COM 4 Port Asix Adapter

Price Rp 350.000
Berat 500 gram


General :
-Fully Compliant with 32 bit PCI Local Bus Spesification
-Supports PCI power management
-Supports multiple cards on PC
-Easy installation, automatically selects IRQ and I/O Address
-Supports IO Remap (*)

Serial Port Interface :
-Compitable with industrial standard 16C450/16C550 UART
-On-chip 256-byte depth FIFO in transmit, receiver path of each port (16-Byte FIFO for models based on MC9805/15/23/35/45 and WCH chipsets)
-Maximum data rate 115.2Kbps on each port (1Mbps for specific models)
-Supports hardware and software flow control
-Supports 5-.6-,7-,8- bit serial format
-Suports Even, Odd, None, Space & Mark Parity
-Supports 1 or 2 Stop bit operation
-Jumper for setting RI, +5V, or +12V on 9 pin of each serial port DB9 Connector
-Jumper for setting RI, +5V, or +12V on pin 1or pin 9 of each serial port DB9 Connector